Directory Listing

For a general listing, you are welcome to submit the general submission form or by email. Please allow up to 1 month for a reply, due to the quantity we shall receive. Since your site will need to be reviewed for certain criteria and verified for suitability before approval by

Please remember one of the parameters of is not to swamp the site with too many websites. But to offer our visitors what we consider a maximum of 2500 of the Top Quality shopping and service websites generally geared for the UK market. If better quality sites come onto the Internet, then the poorer sites will be relegated / deleted from the site.

This figure will consistantly be reviewed since it is QUALITY not quantity of the websites we wish to feature at

A general listing is charged at £250+vat per annum for a basic listing in a chosen and mutually agreed subcategory, payments are made by direct debit mandate or standing order.

Rates can be negotiated for longer durations.

Please let us reiterate that only if your site is approved and that there are not too many shops which already exist on the site, otherwise a waiting list is adopted.

After approval, your site will be listed but there is no guarantee of the position of your listing in any appropriate category or subsection, but there is a guarantee of inclusion for a 12 month period. Annual Direct Debit registration are accepted at a discount rate of £50 per year therefore your fee would be only £200 per year until prices are reviewed.

For preferential listings, such as first six position, this shall depend on the category or sub-category with regard to availablity within the aforementioned ad inventory.

Also note, if your online shop is approved, and you operate an affiliate program which we may wish to join, then the HTML code on will be adjusted for the affiliate program and the £200+vat will not be reimbursed. We may however be interested in joining the affiliate program at outset rather than requesting the registration fee.

If however, you operate an affiliate program, we may decide to opt for this rather than the paid for listing, as for which this would be at our discretion.

Currently we prefer applying to affiliate programs through recommended networks rather than independant programs.

For example Paidonresults or Tradedoubler or If you do not operate an affiliate program, please feel welcome to contact us and we can recommend and suggest the networks which affiliates prefer to deal with, and arrange for a representative from one of the networks to contact you directly without any committment.