Bears Can Smell The Menstruation Male T-shirt.
Bears Can Smell The Menstruation Male T-shirt.: Good for the bears because they can at least keep clear but particularly attentive partners can also sense it from two...

Enjoy Everything Regret Nothing Don\'t Wipe It On The Curtains Ma...
Enjoy Everything Regret Nothing Don\'t Wipe It On The Curtains Male T-shirt.: We know what you\'re into but for the love of all things holy why don\'t you just wipe in at the inside of your shirt...

If You Think My Attitude Stinks Smell My Fingers! Male T-shirt.
If You Think My Attitude Stinks Smell My Fingers! Male T-shirt.: Wearing this statement t-shirt actually repels *ssholes and d*ickheads who think their opinion really matter. They are...

I\'m Great In Bed. I Can Sleep For Hours Male T-shirt.
I\'m Great In Bed. I Can Sleep For Hours Male T-shirt.: What can I say my bed is a seductive mistress. I can\'t resist her when she beckons to go to sleep. If you feel the...

If You Can Dodge A Wrench You Can Dodge A Ball! Male T-shirt.
If You Can Dodge A Wrench You Can Dodge A Ball! Male T-shirt.: Grab life by the ball! Patches O\'Houlihan might be a crazy old man but man is he a beast at playing dodgeball. Not...

Cba Can\'t Be Arsed Male T-shirt.
Cba Can\'t Be Arsed Male T-shirt.: Mow the lawn? Walk the dog? Solve the global financial crisis? Sorry but I\'m suffering from a case of CBA. It\'s not a...

Can I Take This Snake On The Plane? Male T-shirt.
Can I Take This Snake On The Plane? Male T-shirt.: Uhhh.. How many snakes are in there sir? \"3 and a half\" \"Alright but first can you go over our Guinness World...

I Stare At Dead Bodies In Films To See If I Can Catch Them Moving...
I Stare At Dead Bodies In Films To See If I Can Catch Them Moving Male T-shirt.: Despite the fact that it is a rather disturbing activity dead body watching can be fun! Spot incompetent actors shoddy...

Copernicus Called Turns Out You\'re Not The Centre Of The Univers...
Copernicus Called Turns Out You\'re Not The Centre Of The Universe Male T-shirt.: Because we\'ve been in contact with a dead Prussian mathematician and as astronomer from the Renaissance era and so can...

Bird Flu Watch The Skies Male T-shirt.
Bird Flu Watch The Skies Male T-shirt.: Warning! Literally \'watching the skies\' can damage your reputation - Bird watcher! This ain\'t about cute little...

Do You Want The Key Male T-shirt.
Do You Want The Key Male T-shirt.: Hotties get a free duplicate of the key for this booty upon approaching the wearer of this graphic t-shirt. You can...

Here For The Beer Male T-shirt.
Here For The Beer Male T-shirt.: There\'s nothing much to say. We all go to the pub to get drunk on pints of beer anyway. But just in case you meet a...

If I Don\'t See You Through The Week. I\'ll See You Through The W...
If I Don\'t See You Through The Week. I\'ll See You Through The Window Male T-shirt.: And who can forget Billy the window cleaner? Though Gregory\'s Girl was more or less about well... Gregory\'s...

I\'m A Leaf On The Wind Male T-shirt.
I\'m A Leaf On The Wind Male T-shirt.: The inspiring line printed in this statement t-shirt was spoken by Hoban \'Wash\' Washburn from the movie ?Serenity?....

Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner Male T-shirt.
Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner Male T-shirt.: Ah how we all loved the end of that film. Well now you can wear a t-shirt emblazoned with the most famous...

Not Available In The Shops Male T-shirt.
Not Available In The Shops Male T-shirt.: This t-shirt can only be bought online. (Same goes for the rest of our t-shirts!)

I Can Delete Your Cookies Male T-shirt.
I Can Delete Your Cookies Male T-shirt.: A funny design for people familiar with the browsing information stored by web browsers called cookies. Also for people...

Don\'t Touch Me I Might Catch The Ugly! Male T-shirt.
Don\'t Touch Me I Might Catch The Ugly! Male T-shirt.: Like ew! It might be contagious! You can\'t to have your beautiful/handsome face ruined by some no-name ugly person!...

Always Take Care Of The Man In The Boat Male T-shirt.
Always Take Care Of The Man In The Boat Male T-shirt.: Good advice plus diagram. You can\'t beat it!

You Can Rely On The Robin Male T-shirt.
You Can Rely On The Robin Male T-shirt.: If you have owned or own one of these beauts then you are very lucky! Wear this tee to celebrate just how reliable the...